
Siamese Pumpkin Can Be Useful For Gout Patients?

Pumpkin siam is included in the vegetables most often consumed by Indonesian people. This vegetable can be processed into various kinds of food. It's just that there are those who call pumpkin can provide many benefits for gout sufferers. Does this really correspond to medical facts?

Siamese Pumpkin Can Be Useful For Gout Patients?

Benefits of Siamese squash for gout sufferers

A study conducted by health experts from the Davao Medical School Foundation resulted in the fact that squash can help reduce levels of uric acid in the body. In a study using rabbits as this experimental animal, it was mentioned that rabbits experienced a decrease in uric acid levels by up to 25 percent after being routinely given squash.

The researchers call these health benefits come from the high content of vitamins, minerals, and fiber in chayote. These various ingredients can make the body's metabolic processes more smoothly. This can help to reduce the uric acid decay in the body. The risk for symptoms of this disease can be significantly reduced.

In addition, chayote is also included in vegetables with low purine levels so that it can be used as a solution for patients who still want to eat vegetables but are worried about the presence of these ingredients. For information, many gout sufferers who deliberately avoid vegetables like spinach or kale because they have moderate levels of purine.

Other benefits that can be obtained from squash are Siamese
Besides being able to help gout sufferers control their health conditions, health experts say there are many other health benefits that can be obtained if we routinely consume pumpkin.

Here are the health benefits.

1. Can help overcome kidney stone problems

Research conducted at the University of North Florida , United States resulted in the fact that routinely consuming squash, especially the leaves can help treat kidney stone problems. In fact, if we routinely consume it as a daily dish, then blood pressure will be better controlled. This certainly can help prevent the arrival of hypertension.

2. Rich in antioxidant content

In one pumpkin there is a vitamin C content of about 7.7 mg. This vitamin can act as an antioxidant that can prevent body cells from being damaged while preventing exposure to free radicals that can trigger the arrival of various diseases. If we consume 100 grams of squash alone, then we already get 13 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin C.

3. Can prevent the problem of premature aging

Chayote has high flavonoids. This content can fight exposure to harmful substances like reactive oxygen species belonging to free radicals that can trigger premature aging. Not only about the appearance of a youthful body, it can also help maintain the health of various organs and body systems.

4. Lowers the body's cholesterol level

Siamese squash tends to be low in calories and does not have saturated fat. The high fiber content will also help keep cholesterol levels balanced. Chayote is also high in apigenin and luteolin which can help fight disease-causing free radicals.

5. Lose weight

In 100 grams of Siamese squash there are only 16 calories. The high fiber content will also make it suitable to be used as healthy food everyday. Many diet experts recommend squash as a food that is consumed regularly.

6. Good for pregnant women

The content of vitamin B complex and folic acid in squash is very high. For example, if pregnant women consume 100 grams of this vegetable, then they already meet 23 percent of the daily requirement of folic acid which is very important for the development and growth of the baby. This content can also prevent babies born with disabilities.

Seeing this fact, do not hesitate to routinely consume tasty and healthy squash.

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