
8 Benefits of Noni Fruit Juice, Can Prevent Cancer!

Noni is one of the fruits found in Indonesia and the Southeast Asia region. Noni is rarely consumed, except for traditional medicines or drinks because it tends to have a bitter taste. This is of course because of the many benefits of Noni fruit for health.

Although it is known to have a bitter taste and sometimes it feels very like soap when it is ripe, this fruit is widely used in several regions. There are those who process this fruit into juice that is beneficial for health and sell it.

8 Benefits of Noni Fruit Juice, Can Prevent Cancer!

Noni fruit content

Noni contains enough nutrients contained in the ripe fruit or when it becomes juice. Although 95% of the fruit consists of water, there are also high enough carbohydrates, sugars, and some vitamins such as vitamin C which is very good for maintaining endurance.

The most sought after noni fruit is antioxidants and fiber. The antioxidant content of Noni can make you rarely experience pain and the risk of experiencing pain is getting lower. Meanwhile, the fiber in noni can be used to facilitate constipation.

Benefits of Noni fruit juice for health

There are many noni benefits for health. Although it is rarely used in Indonesia, this fruit holds potential that should not be ignored. Here are some of the benefits of Noni fruit juice for health:

1. Reducing the risk of cell damage in smokers

When smoking, free radicals will enter the body quickly and attack cells. These free radicals will damage several important parts of the body and make smokers more susceptible to disorders such as diabetes, cancer and heart problems that can be very deadly.

The big risk of smoking can be reduced by consuming noni juice regularly. From the research conducted, there is at least a 30 percent reduction in free radicals that exist in the body after consuming noni juice for a full month. In addition, smoking can also decrease the chemicals that trigger cancer conditions.

2. Maintain heart health

Eating Noni juice was able to reduce the amount of HDL bad cholesterol in the body. Decreasing the amount of HDL will make blood vessels safer from deposition which triggers heart problems. Decrease in good cholesterol will make blood circulation run smoothly and overall body function is not disturbed.

The benefits for heart health may be a little different in some people. Those who smoke may experience a decrease in cholesterol levels in their blood. However, the amount will not be large compared to those who do not smoke.

3. Increase endurance while exercising

Eating noni fruit regularly can increase endurance while exercising. If you experience a fatigue peak after lifting weights for 45 minutes, by consuming Noni regularly, the time will increase to 21% or close to 55 minutes.

Research carried out in humans and also animals shows that there is a large change in muscle strength and a reduction in excessive fatigue. This significant decrease in fatigue occurs because this fruit contains quite a lot of antioxidants that are beneficial to the body.

4. Reduces pain in arthritis sufferers

Arthritis sufferers often experience pain in the body and make them feel uncomfortable. By eating noni fruit directly or in the form of juice on a regular basis can make pain quickly subside so that everyday life will not experience interference.

5. Improve the immune system

High antioxidant content will increase the body's immunity. This increase will make you not easily experience pain even if it's just a common cold or flu. When eating this fruit juice, make sure not to add a lot of sugar because it can increase the risk of diabetes.

6. Prevent cancer

The content of Noni which is rich in antioxidants can be useful in preventing the body from cancer. Various types of cancer will be prevented because free radicals that enter from anywhere, especially from cigarettes will be prevented from damaging cells and causing cancer cells that are very dangerous for the body.

7. Overcoming excessive fatigue

Noni has been used for hundreds of years by the polynesian community as one of the fatigue healers.

If the body experiences too much fatigue, they will make this fruit juice or eat it directly. the effect, fatigue experienced will disappear slowly including pain in the muscles.

With this ability, Noni is always reliable if someone is exhausted while working. In fact, this fruit is also often relied on to add energy when doing exercises. By consuming Noni extract, physical strength will increase slowly especially accompanied by adequate rest.

8. Maintaining liver health

Based on research conducted in 2008 ago, noni fruit is known to have components that maintain health from the day. There are antioxidants that are able to keep the heart from dangerous diseases and make this organ capable of carrying out its duties perfectly.

Routinely consuming Noni or half-cooked fruit juice made into salad can make a person more immune to liver disease problems. The ability of the liver to filter poisons and harmful chemicals will be effective so that the chance of damage is also lower

That's a brief review of the benefits of noni or noni fruit which turned out to have quite a lot of benefits for the body. We can use this benefit well if you need it.

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