
Tempe and tofu can not be consumed by gout sufferers?

It is common knowledge that gout sufferers cannot eat food carelessly. They may not consume foods with high levels of purine because this content can trigger attacks of gout in the joints. It's just that, there is news that says gout sufferers should not consume tofu and tempeh. Is this news true?

Tempe and tofu can not be consumed by gout sufferers?

Can gout sufferers eat tempeh and tofu?

As we know, if a gout attack appears, the joints will experience symptoms such as swelling, a sensation of heat, pain that is severe enough to be difficult to move. Usually, the joints that experience these symptoms are toes, fingers, ankles, or knees.

Especially for tempeh and tofu, health experts call gout sufferers usually still allowed to consume it. It's just that, because there are levels of purines that are on the side dishes most commonly found in Indonesia, they are usually asked to limit their consumption. Gout sufferers are also asked to consult a doctor to find out the portion or frequency of eating tempeh and tofu according to their conditions.

Some side dishes that should be avoided by gout sufferers

Tempe and tofu must be limited to consumption, but gout sufferers must really avoid some delicious dishes that are often consumed.

Here are some types of side dishes that should not be consumed by gout sufferers.

1. Red meat

Red meat like goat or beef can indeed be processed into a variety of delicious dishes. Unfortunately, red meat is included in foods with high purine content so that it is included in abstinence from gout. Health experts advise people with gout to replace nutritional intake from red meat to poultry like chicken or freshwater fish meat.

2. Seafood

It is common knowledge that seafood is included in the taboos for gout sufferers. This is caused by very high levels of purine in it. Some types of seafood are like shellfish, shrimp, crabs, oysters, lobsters, and anchovy and sardines should be avoided by gout sufferers if they do not want to experience gout attacks. It's just that, gout sufferers can still consume salmon even though the amount of course should be limited.

3. Offal

Viscera like intestines and liver can indeed be processed into delicious dishes. Unfortunately, the levels of purine and cholesterol are high enough to trigger gout attacks if taken carelessly.

4. Turkey and goose meat

Poultry meat is usually safer compared to red meat, but specifically for turkey and goose meat, sufferers of urinary asthma should avoid it because they have high levels of purine.

5. Sweet drinks

Sweet drinks such as packaged juices, fruit-flavored drinks, or bottled tea are usually high in fructose artificial sweeteners. This content can unfortunately cause the risk of gout attacks increasing so it should be avoided.

Also pay attention to food processing

In addition to paying attention to the selection of food, health experts say patients with gout should also pay attention to how the food they will eat is processed. For example, health experts advise them to consume boiled foods. In fact, side dishes that are usually processed by frying such as eggs, tempeh, tofu, and meat-meat are also more recommended for boiling.

Even so, patients with gout can also usually consume some types of baked or half-baked food with healthy oil. It's just that they are not recommended to consume fried foods because the fat and cholesterol levels can make gout conditions worse.

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