7 Disorders of the Dangerous Ear If Ignored
The ear is one of the organs in the body that often experience interference. The shape widens on the outside, but shrinks inward making this organ difficult to overcome if a disturbance occurs. Ear problems can not be underestimated.
When you feel uncomfortable, take it to an ENT specialist immediately to get good treatment and complications that can spread everywhere will not occur.
This disorder arises because someone is wrong in maintaining ear hygiene. As a result, bacteria, viruses, or other microbes enter the ear and carry out infections on the inside which tend to be softer and sensitive.
This condition is more common in children whose ear structure is not perfect and does not pay attention to their body sanitation. The best way to deal with ear infections is to clean the ear area and also take drugs that can kill microbes such as antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.
Generally conditions such as rupture of the tympanic membrane, damage to the auditory nerve, blockage of the ear canal due to cerumen oil, and calcification of the auditory bone make it difficult for someone to hear something.
This condition can be overcome by cleaning the oil which has already blocked the inside of the ear. Handling this disorder in an ENT specialist will make the condition improve and you will not experience complications.
Spread cancer causes disorders such as intense pain and hearing loss. Someone with ear cancer will also continue to emit foul-smelling fluid from the ear and is difficult to clean.
Cancer that appears in the ear can spread everywhere if not handled properly. Therefore, you are advised to immediately take medication either by surgery or radiation therapy according to the cancer condition that appears.
Meniere has not been cured, the doctor will reduce the pain from the symptoms that appear in the form of dizziness, vertigo, and balance disorders.
As a result of the acoustic neuroma, a person will experience a balance disorder in the body so that when walking will often fall. Hearing will be disturbed, numbness, tingling, until it is difficult to swallow food. How to deal with this disorder is by therapy, radiation, until surgery.
Those are some types of ear disorders that are very dangerous. Have you ever experienced it? From now on, immediately do ways to maintain ear health as described above. May be useful!
When you feel uncomfortable, take it to an ENT specialist immediately to get good treatment and complications that can spread everywhere will not occur.
Harmful ear disorders
Disorders of the ear can appear with low to high severity. Whatever interference you experience, it's good to immediately deal with it so as not to cause more severe disorders.1. Ear infections
Infection is one of the most common ear disorders in a person.This disorder arises because someone is wrong in maintaining ear hygiene. As a result, bacteria, viruses, or other microbes enter the ear and carry out infections on the inside which tend to be softer and sensitive.
This condition is more common in children whose ear structure is not perfect and does not pay attention to their body sanitation. The best way to deal with ear infections is to clean the ear area and also take drugs that can kill microbes such as antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.
2. Conduction deafness
There are many conditions that cause conduction writing.Generally conditions such as rupture of the tympanic membrane, damage to the auditory nerve, blockage of the ear canal due to cerumen oil, and calcification of the auditory bone make it difficult for someone to hear something.
This condition can be overcome by cleaning the oil which has already blocked the inside of the ear. Handling this disorder in an ENT specialist will make the condition improve and you will not experience complications.
3. Ear cancer
Ear cancer usually occurs in the outer and middle part of the ear.Spread cancer causes disorders such as intense pain and hearing loss. Someone with ear cancer will also continue to emit foul-smelling fluid from the ear and is difficult to clean.
Cancer that appears in the ear can spread everywhere if not handled properly. Therefore, you are advised to immediately take medication either by surgery or radiation therapy according to the cancer condition that appears.
4. Meniere
This one ear disorder attacks the inside of the ear which is responsible for maintaining balance in the body.Meniere has not been cured, the doctor will reduce the pain from the symptoms that appear in the form of dizziness, vertigo, and balance disorders.
5. Tinnitus
This disorder causes sounds heard by someone to sound like buzzing and hissing. Tinnitus can heal on its own even if you experience a large disturbance, immediately go to ENT.6. Othematoma
This disorder occurs in the earlobe that has a buildup of blood. As a result of injury to the cartilage, the blood becomes lumpy and must be treated immediately so as not to cause pain and other disorders around the ears and face.7. Acoustic neuroma
This disease attacks the nerves found in the ear. The part of the nerve that is attacked can be in the left, right, or both ears. Nervous disorders that occur in the vestibular cause a large disturbance because it connects directly the inner ear nerve with the brain.As a result of the acoustic neuroma, a person will experience a balance disorder in the body so that when walking will often fall. Hearing will be disturbed, numbness, tingling, until it is difficult to swallow food. How to deal with this disorder is by therapy, radiation, until surgery.
How to maintain ear health
Preventing is always better than cure. If you don't want to experience ear problems, do some ways to maintain easy ear health, as follows:- As much as possible not to smoke or be in the environment of people who are smoking. Cigarette smoke will be very dangerous to the ear because it has a direct channel with the mouth and nose.
- When swimming in the pool it's good to use earplugs. Especially if you dive in the water and allow water to enter the ear. As we know, ear water is not clean and sometimes mixes with dirt including urine.
- Always clean your ears every day, especially when bathing. Clean the outside first slowly so that the dirt can be released. If you want to clean the inside use the correct tool and do not press it too deep to reach the eardrum.
- If you have an allergy that can affect your ears directly, it's good to avoid that. Find out what allergens you have so that you can prevent ear disorders such as pain.
- Every time you touch your ears as much as possible to wash your hands first. Do not immediately scratch your ear until you put your finger in the hole without cleaning with soap or hand sanitizer. By doing this the bacteria or germs that are in hand can be immediately removed.
- Be sure to recognize signs or changes that occur in the ear such as rather buzzing or removing certain fluids. If you know this immediately consult a doctor so that early treatment can be done properly.
- If you are camping or traveling to the open air and setting up a tent, always close your ears. Make sure there are no insects that enter and eventually cause a large infection.
Those are some types of ear disorders that are very dangerous. Have you ever experienced it? From now on, immediately do ways to maintain ear health as described above. May be useful!
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