
6 Ways to Make Vitamins for the True Rabbit

Rabbits are one type of animal that has many uses ranging from pets and broiler animals that their meat uses for consumption. It is expected that from their needs, in order to get healthy and excellent cats, there is a treatment process that needs to be done properly. In addition to providing rabbit food or food, there are several other types of ingredients that support rabbit health, one of which is vitamins. Vitamins for rabbits can be made by yourself through the right process. Here's how to make vitamins for rabbits. (Also read: tips for rabbit appetite)

6 Ways to Make Vitamins for the True Rabbit

Vitamins for Rabbits

Vitamins are indeed one of the needs needed so that rabbits can grow or grow well and still have maintained health. Vitamins for rabbits can be obtained from the food they consume. In making vitamins for rabbits the process is combined with making rabbit feed with abundant vitamin content compared to the usual type of rabbit feed. Giving vitamins in a separate form with the feed will certainly make it difficult for rabbits to receive the vitamin and even oppose it. Giving vitamins contained in feed is also more effective and easy to maintain. (Also read: how to supply fish oil to rabbits)

How to Make Vitamins for Rabbits

As in the explanation above, how to make vitamins for rabbits is done by eating rabbit feed which has abundant vitamin content. Rabbit feed that has abundant vitamins can be obtained through the steps provided below.

  • Step One, feed for rabbits with vitamins can be made in an easy way from several types of ingredients found around. High vitamin feed is used for rabbit health and growth. (Also read: how to treat rabbits to get fat quickly)
  • Second step, prepare the tools needed in the process of making high-vitamin feed for rabbits starting from the stirring and mixing equipment to the meat grinder and pellet making equipment. If this tool is not available, the process can be done manually.
  • Step Three, prepare the ingredients needed in the process of making abundant vitamin rabbit feed. The main ingredients needed are dedek and tofu. To make food better, high-vitamin fruit can be added to vegetables and fruit. (Also read: how to deal with rabbits not eating)
  • Step Four, the next step is prepared and the fruit is needed by cutting the pieces of vegetables and fruit needed to be small and easy to process. Vegetables and fruit used can be from leftover vegetables and fruit that are not needed. (Also read: how to treat rabbits in the rainy season)
  • Fifth Step, Mix All Kinds of Materials Required Above Into One Piece of Vegetables can be blended or mashed to make it more evenly distributed.
  • The Sixth Step, after all the materials are covered equally, then print the feed ingredients into small pellets. After printing using a manual tool, dry the mold.

Those are some of the processes that need to be done in how to make vitamins for rabbits that are needed for the health and growth of rabbits. Making vitamins for rabbits is done by making vitamins and high nutritious rabbit feed.

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