
6 Ways to Make Good and True Vitamins for Goats

Goats are one of the livestock that are raised by the community for their meat consumption needs. Goat breeders certainly want all their goats to be in a healthy and well-developed condition so that the selling value can be maximized. To get the best goat, of course, it takes effort in the process of treating goats, one of which is by providing vitamins. Vitamins for goats can be made alone with several ways to make vitamins for goats in the explanation below. (Also read: how to make fermented goat feed with em4)

6 Ways to Make Good and True Vitamins for Goats

Vitamins for Goats

Vitamins are one of the organic compounds that have low molecular weight but have good benefits for metabolic processes in the body. Giving vitamins for goats is expected to be able to make goats always have a good development and of course free from various kinds of devotion that will affect their health. In explaining how to make vitamins for this goat, the ingredients will be focused on the ingredients of Morinda citrifolia leaves and Moringa leaves. (Also read: how to make goat feed)

How to Make Vitamins for Goats

As in the explanation above, the vitamins that will be made in the discussion this time focus on the basic language, namely danu mengkudu and dun kelor. Here are some good ways to make vitamins for goats in the explanation below.

  1. Preparation of ingredients, the first step that must be done is to prepare the ingredients needed in the process of making vitamins for the goat. Some of the ingredients that must be prepared include kelor leaves, Moringa seeds, Noni fruit, Noni leaves, brown sugar, and clean water. (Also read: how to care for goats to get fat quickly)
  2. Weigh the ingredients, before entering the stage of making these vitamins, the ingredients that have been prepared above must be weighed to fit the composition. The amount of weighing material needed is 1 kg of moringa leaves, 1 ounce moringa seeds, quarter kilo of noni fruit, half kilo noni leaves, quarter kilo of brown sugar, and about 10 liters of clean water.
  3. For stew ingredients, the ingredients that have been prepared should be boiled separately, namely brown sugar, leaves and moringa seeds that have been mashed, and noni fruits and leaves with the help of adding water. The stew should not be mixed before everything is ready. In boiling moringa, the temperature used should not be more than 60 degrees. (Also read: tips for starting goats)
  4. Mixing the ingredients, after all the ingredients are boiled themselves, then the next step is to mix the ingredients into one and must be evenly distributed.
  5. Save the vitamin ingredients, another thing to note next is the storage of the vitamin mixture described above. Mixtures of these vitamins can be stored at normal room temperature (also read: easy way of goat gibas)
  6. Using vitamins, to get maximum results, the next step that needs attention is the use of these vitamins. For healthy goats, the dose of the vitamin is quite low, which is only 0.5 liters once a day. If the goat is in a healthy condition then the provision of vitamins should be tested and usually will increase by two fold.

Those are some explanations about how to make vitamins for good and true goats. Vitamins made in the above process are vegetable vitamins derived from Moringa and Noni.

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