
Hobby Drinking Soda Can Trigger Colon Cancer

Although it can provide a fresh and delicious sensation, carbonated drinks are widely known as one of the causes of dangerous diseases. For example, high levels of calories and sugar can cause obesity and diabetes. Only, a recent study actually proves that the habit of consuming soft drinks can also have other health effects, which increases the risk of colon cancer.

Hobby Drinking Soda Can Trigger Colon Cancer

How soft drinks increase the risk of colon cancer

Based on research conducted by Dr. Lewis Cantley and his colleagues from New York-Presbyterian Hospital , mentioned that experimental mice that are often given content in soft drinks, namely fructose corn syrup in high doses tend to have a greater risk of cancer or colon tumors. This was seen after these mice were given this intake for eight weeks. For information, the level of fructose corn syrup is equivalent to one can of soft drinks.

Although the results of this study are quite convincing, the researchers say they will conduct further research to find out how damak the consumption of fructose corn syrup is to a large portion of the risk of human colon cancer.

"This study resulted in the fact that in the body of the mouse colorectal polyps appeared or in the large intestine. The content of corn fructose syrup can indeed affect tumor growth, "said Dr. Cantley.

Excessive sugar consumption can increase cancer risk

Health experts say there have been many other studies that prove that excessive consumption of sugar or too often can cause cancer growth, especially in the digestive tract. For this reason we should begin to stop the habit of consuming soft drinks or those that contain artificial sweeteners.

Another impact of carbonated drinks

In addition to increasing the risk of diabetes, obesity and colon cancer , health experts say there are many other dangers of the habit of consuming soft drinks too often or excessively.

Here are the health effects.

1. Damaging the kidneys

Health experts say the habit of consuming carbonated drinks twice a day will make the kidneys more susceptible to damage. This is caused by the presence of artificial sweeteners, artificial dyes, phosphoric acid, and high amounts of caffeine which will burden the performance of the kidneys.

2. Reducing bone health

Phosphoric acid content in soft drinks can significantly inhibit calcium absorption in the body. If the body lacks calcium, the risk of osteoporosis or bone loss will increase significantly. In addition, a study shows that the habit of consuming soft drinks can reduce bone strength in women.

3. Reducing brain health

The content of artificial sweeteners such as aspartame in soft drinks can trigger damage to the brain. We will also experience problems with cognitive function or memory if you consume it too often.

4. Damaging teeth

High levels of sugar in soft drinks can make the risk of dental problems like cavities increase. Besides that, acidic fizzy drinks can significantly damage tooth enamel.

5. Increases the risk of having a heart attack

A study resulted in the fact that the habit of consuming soft drinks can lead to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. This is caused by damage to the metabolic system, increased inflammation, the occurrence of insulin resistance, and increased body cholesterol levels due to routine consumption of these drinks.

6. Triggers stomach disorders

Frequent consumption of soft drinks can increase the risk of getting high stomach acid and gastric ulcers. This certainly will cause an uncomfortable sensation in the stomach and digestion as a whole.

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