
Choosing a Kacer Champion Candidate

Kacer or Kucica Kampung (Copsychus Saularis) belongs to a small birdsong. This bird is one of the favorite birds among chirping mania. Kacer has black and white feathers. The long tail will rise when they are on the ground and forage.

Although the status of risk is low, but the number of birds in Indonesia is starting to be scarce. This is of course caused by uncontrolled illegal arrests. Luckily, there are still people who care to breed this dream bird. Now, kacer on the market is entirely from captivity.

Before choosing a candidate for a champion, you should first pay attention to the following things so as not to regret later.


Always choose kacer birds with male sex. The male kacer has more shiny black hair and a chirping sound that is more melodic than the female. Neck shape also does not escape the attention. Kacer with a long neck and is believed to have good sound power.

Half Form

Choose male kacer with a wide, long, and large base of the beak. We recommend that you do not choose kacer birds with crooked beaks. The bent beak will not produce good, sweet singing. In addition to the big beak, note also the nostrils that are owned by birds. The closer the nostrils are to the eyes, the better.

Head and Eye Shape

Kacers who are ready to fight in a race usually have a boxed head shape and round, large, bulging eyes. This boxed head shape and glaring eyes are believed to be able to intimidate his opponents when competing.

Body posture

The flagship Kacer has a moderate posture, not too big and not too small. The neck and legs are also proportional. Avoid choosing kacer with short neck and legs. This ideal and proportional posture affects the speed and agility of the move and the chirp produced.

Shape of Wings and Feet

The superior kacer always has wings that flank tightly and the legs can grip firmly. Large, dry feet can also be considered.

A champion kacer also has active and agile characteristics and good health conditions. In addition, the superior kacer bird must also have a good mentality that is not easily intimidated by his opponent. After knowing the criteria above, now is the time for you to start hunting for prospective champions.

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