
10 types of food that rabbits cannot eat

Grass and vegetables are natural foods for pet rabbits, these foods are very easy to get, but there are several types of grass and foods that are not good for eating pet rabbits. Foods that are not well consumed by pet rabbits are foods that contain too much sugar (types of glucose and sucrose), foods that can interfere with the digestion of domesticated rabbits, poisonous foods.

Actually keeping rabbits is difficult. We cannot carelessly feed him. Especially if the type of ornamental rabbit. The food must be special. Like grass bought from Pet Shop, this is dried imported grass.

But there is a kind of belief in local Indonesian society. Basically, any pet food is good, as long as it's natural. Simple food sometimes gives a far better effect.

Actually, instead of pets, rabbits should not eat the food below, but it is better avoided because of some experiences of farmers and pet lovers, rabbits experience bad things in their pet rabbits so it is better to avoid them. Here are 10 types of food that rabbits cannot eat.

10 types of food that rabbits cannot eat

1. Foods that contain lots of sap / water

Vegetables such as cabbage and cabbage contain too much water, which can affect the urine and fases of pet rabbits. Crude fiber content in cabbage is also too high, especially for pet rabbit animals that are still in development. the most feared in cabbage is the gas contained in cabbage, (Also read about how to make vitamins for rabbits)

if consumed by rabbit pet animals can cause pet rabbits to become bloated and sometimes there are also pet rabbits that die from these symptoms. There are some breeders suggesting that they be aerated or dried first, approximately 6 to 8 hours. (Also read about how the ornamental rabbit livestock are successful)

2. Feed that is rough / spiny

Feeds that are coarse and spiny textured are worried that they can injure a pet rabbit, either injuring outside the body of a pet rabbit or even injuring the body in detail, for example inflammation inside and stomach disorders. Therefore avoid foods like this, and replace them with good food for pet rabbits. Examples of elephant grass, prickly grass etc.

3. Food that is too sweet

Like humans, most sugars (sucrose glucose) in the body are not good, and will also damage the teeth of pet rabbits. (Also read about the causes of hair loss in rabbits)

4. Leaves lamtoro

Lamtoro leaves or Chinese petai actually have a high protein content, but inside it also has poison or mimosine which can cause hair loss in pet rabbits, the leaves in my area are also often referred to as mandingan leaves should not be given to pet rabbit animals to anticipate things that are not desirable in pet rabbit animals. (Also read about the causes of flatulence in rabbits)

5. Carrots

Maybe most people consider pet rabbits to be identical with carrots, but in reality carrots should only be given occasionally to pet rabbits because in carrots there is a very high sugar content that can affect several things such as unnatural growth rates and digestive problems in rabbit animals pets from consuming excessive carrots.

6. Kale

Kangkun may be one of the foods favored by pet rabbits, but because of its high crude fiber content it can result in difficulty digesting pet rabbit animals,

besides that water spinach which includes bamboo plants has the potential to store gas and also bacteria. The basic thing when a pet rabbit is given kale is that the urine will smell like urine.

7. Elephant grass

Elephant grass has a texture that looks sharp so that it can cause the tongue and throat of pet rabbits to get hurt, so it's best to avoid this feed even though basically this grass has good crude fiber content.

Actually, this grass can also be dried for two days then finely chopped and then can be given to pet rabbits, but because the texture is also dry so most pet rabbit animals are not interested in eating it.

8. Cabbage leaves or cabbage

In cabbage there is a high content of crude fiber so that it is not good to be given to pet rabbits in excess, because it can cause pet rabbits to bloat, from the symptoms of bloating pet rabbit animals can experience death if not addressed immediately.

9. Mindi leaves and corn leaves

Mindi leaves are one of the foods that must be avoided, because in the content of mindi leaves contain poisons and usually mindi leaves are often used as vegetable pesticides. Corn leaves are not recommended to be given to pet rabbits, because the texture possessed by corn leaves is very rough and hard, this will be wary of damaging the tongue and mouth and digestion this will result in diarrhea in pet rabbit animals.

10. Gadung leaves and tubers

Gadung giving leaves and tubers is the same as poisoning our pet rabbits, because in the content of gadung leaves and tubers there are very deadly poisons, as we know this plant can be used as one of the poisons to control rodent species such as mice.

Well buddy, As we have seen, if the rabbit's main food is forage, it can be grass and vegetables. For vegetables and grass, rabbits need fresh and clean feed, we need to maintain health because rabbits classified as very sensitive animals easily die.

But it needs to be known, if the forage we provide is also mandatory for us to give in a wilting state. That is, before the feed is given to rabbits, the feed must be blown off in a maximum of 3 to 6 hours to get rid of the water content and toxic substances that can endanger the rabbit.

Especially feed that has more water and sap content. Because the feed can make rabbits fall ill, for example, for example, spinach vegetables that contain a lot of water, can make the rabbit's stomach become bloated, the wind sits and can be fatal, namely death ...

Okay buddy, hope it's useful, I'll see you in the next article, thank you.

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