

Indonesia has a variety of arts and cultures that are very distinctive and interesting. All of these arts are characteristic of Indonesia as a country that consists of many tribes and customs. One of them is various types of traditional Indonesian dance, which represent every community group in this country. Amazingly, traditional dances are also an identity in the eyes of the world. These are three tariffs from Indonesia that have been worldwide.


Saman Dance (Aceh)

This traditional dance from Aceh is included in the category of dance that is very interesting, because of the amazing cohesiveness of its movements. The dancers who performed Saman Dance can perform simultaneous movements, and follow harmonious music rhythms. All the regular movements look like they are moved by one body, so that it can produce a compact dance following dynamic music. Just this Saman Dance is able to captivate the hearts of many traditional dance lovers. In fact, not only in Indonesia, but also from abroad. This dance is also often exhibited abroad in official Indonesian Government events. Amazingly, not infrequently the Saman Dance can win traditional dance competitions at international level, so that it can bring Indonesia's name to the eyes of other countries in the world. This traditional Indonesian dance itself was originally a folk game called Pok Ane. But, around the XIV century, a scholar in the Gayo highlands named Syekh Saman added verses that contained expressions of praise to Allah SWT in this dance, and combined with the pat of the dancers who had dynamic rhythms. Then, this dance became one of the media in delivering da'wah. Usually, Saman Dance used to be displayed under kolong meunasah, which is surau with a typical Acehnese building. Before the dance begins, the cleric will come forward to convey advice and advice to the community. But, in its current development, Saman Dance can already be witnessed in any activity, even those that are not related to religion, such as weddings or other celebrations.

Ponorogo Reog Dance (Java)

This art from Ponorogo, East Java is usually performed in various traditional ceremonies and weddings. There are three things that dance, with a real dance is the appearance of a dancer wearing a lion's head mask. Amazingly, the dancer was able to carry a mask that weighed about 50-60 kilograms lightly. So, many people call the scene aided by "spirits". Reog dance itself is one of the characteristics of Javanese people who are quite famous. For the Javanese people who migrate, they can help bring the spirit of this community, and continue to preserve it by playing traditional dances according to their customs. In fact, Reog Dance is also often exhibited abroad. So, the more the world community known.

Pendet dance

This dance called many people who were created by a dance maestro from the Island of the Gods, namely I Wayan Rindi in 1950. Initially, Pendet Dance itself was a worship performed by Hindus in their place of worship, the temple, in religious speech. This dance is done as a welcome to the descent of the gods into the world. Therefore, there are many movements that produce sacred and religious values ​​in this dance.
I Wayan Rindi then composed the sacred Pendet Dance to become a welcoming dance, which can be done in any activity. He did this, which was then followed by many artists in Bali, with a view to preserving it and being enjoyed by others. Therefore, the Pendet Dance also becomes a "welcome dance" performed at welcoming events.

But, even though it has been used, every movement in Pendet Dance remains aligned with the standard of Balinese art and culture that is known to be unique and dynamic. This traditional Indonesian dance can be easily exhibited by everyone, in contrast to other types of Balinese dance. No wonder Pendet Dance uses manuals as their culture. This incident was also one of the causes of this world-famous dance.


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