
8 Types of Fruit for Wingko Wren

Wingko sparrow food menu to support its quality is indeed various kinds. From food in the form of seeds, insects, kroto, earthworms, voer, to fruit and also vegetables.

Various types of food can certainly be used to fulfill your nutritional intake and can make your pet wingko goat quickly. Usually, caretakers of pet wingko will provide food in the form of fruits and vegetables that can make your pet healthier and worse.

Lots of fruit types that are good for wingko pet birds. The fruit may be very easy for you to find in your environment. For more details, the following are the types of fruit for pet Wingko Wren so they can gacor.

8 Types of Fruit for Wingko Wren

1. Banana

Bananas are the most common type of fruit given to other fruit-eating pet wingko birds. Bananas have twice as much carbohirate content than apples. The vitamin A content is five times more than apples. Also read about: additional food for sparrows

Bananas are filling and provide additional energy. But because of the high carbohydrate content, the administration of bananas must be arranged so as not to overdo it. Because if given regularly every day, pet wingko tend to be fat and lazy quickly. 

Bananas seem to be a mandatory fruit for pet wingko. Bananas contain many benefits for. Some of the ingredients and benefits of bananas are:
  • Contains vitamin A
  • Contains vitamin C Read also about: Javanese captive breeding
  • Contains a lot of carbohydrates so that it is full quickly.
  • Increase stamina

2. Apples

Like bananas, apples are a type of fruit commonly given to pet wingko. This fruit has several benefits as follows: 
  • Red apples contain antioxidants called quercetin. The latest research shows that quercetin can boost immunity, especially in pet wingko birds who are under stress. Also read about: cultivation of wingko sparrows
  • Apples can prevent dehydration caused by various things such as excessive drying, hot temperatures, and so on.
  • In some types of pet wingko, apples are believed to increase lust. But this does not have much effect on. To increase lust, you can give grated apples mixed with kroto.

3. Papaya fruit

Papaya fruit is indeed very favored by pet wingko. Besides its sweet taste, papaya fruit also has a smooth and soft texture, making it suitable for the beak of pet wingko. Here are some of the benefits of papaya for pet wingko sparrows, including:
  • Contains many antioxidants, so it can counteract free radicals in the body of a pet wingko
  • Reduces moderate lust OB (over lust)
  • Contains vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, panthotenic acid, flavanoids, etc. So it is very good for growth and health.
  • Can reduce high body temperature due to overheating / too long in the sun or because of extreme weather.
  • A large amount of water can help prevent dehydration.

4. Citrus fruits

Oranges are best given to wingko sparrows, because they have the same benefits as nectar. Citrus fruits have the benefit of cooling, so much is given to especially when the weather is hot.

Oranges also have a detoxifying effect that can neutralize poisons in the body of a pet wingko, and can help overcome health problems. The citrus acid contained in citrus fruits can help remove toxins and stimulate the digestive tract. Even the skin of citrus fruit can be used as a therapy for wingko sparrows that are difficult to join.

If you like oranges, then wingko is also fond of eating oranges. Yes, oranges can indeed be a substitute for nectar which is commonly consumed in the wild. Oranges that taste sweet and sour and contain water are very popular. There are several benefits of oranges for you to know, which are as follows:
  • Lowers body temperature due to overheating in the sun too long. Or because the weather is very hot.
  • Substitute for nectar.
  • Neutralize toxins in the body of a pet wingko sparrow.
  • Digestion.
  • Orange peel can be used for the therapy of molting pet wingko.
  • Contains high vitamin C.

5. Longan fruit / kelengkeng

Provides many benefits for pet wingko sparrow, for example as a sedative for those who are stressed or dropping, helps restore energy during moult, and helps digestion of pet wingko.

This fruit is actually not only liked by wingko sparrows, even we are very fond of longan fruit. The sweet and fresh taste makes anyone like it. There are several benefits for kelengkeng, namely:
  • Prevent and eliminate stress / drop
  • Increases stamina especially during the molting period
  • Digestion

6. Wolfberry / goji berries

Imported fruit that can be found in this supermarket is very popular because it tastes sweet. Goji berries are believed to be able to stimulate his pet wingko to be more diligent and open beak. Another benefit of this fruit is that it provides additional energy so that the pet wingko is more active.

7. Pear

Pear fruit turns out to also be a kind of fruit that is good for pet wingko sparrows that have often been given. And the goal is to make the sound clearer. In addition, pear fruit is also very useful for reducing lust after being included in the race. The steps, you can give pear fruit 2 days after the race so that lust can go down.

8. Cucumber

In addition to pear fruit, cucumbers can also be used to neutralize the lust of pet wingko after the race. Then the cucumber is also very useful to make the pet wingko be quieter.

So what can the writer say about the various types of fruit that are good for pet wingko sparrows, hopefully Ulsan the writer conveyed this time is useful and can be an insight for you as well as a guide for the care of wingko sparrow everyday. See you in the next article, thank you.

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