
6 Types of odors that cats don't like and need to be avoided

Cats are still one of the most popular pets owned and cared for by cat lovers. As a cat owner, of course there is a treatment process that needs to be known and understood so that the condition of the cat is always fine without any physical or psychological problems. One form of problem that can cause problems in cats is the smell of odor that appears around the environment and dislikes, including those that cause cats not to consume certain foods. Here are some types of odors that cats don't like in the explanation below.

Types of odors that cats don't like and need to be avoided

Orange scent

Apart from being one of the types of food that is harmful to cats because it can cause various forms of digestive disorders and nervous disorders it turns out that the aroma released by oranges is also one of the types of odors that cats don't like. Although the smell of oranges or lemok is often favored by humans and used as an ingredient to expel unpleasant odors by humans, the aroma that is too sharp can cause a disturbance in the sharp smell of cats. (Also read: how cats recognize their employers)


Smoke is one type of odor that cats don't like, including smells or scents that are very disturbing to humans. Smoke can come from various types of things such as smoking, fire, burning garbage, and cooking conditions can also smoke. Smoke such as smoke from the results of smoking will not only cause the cat to be disturbed but also one of the things that will cause cats to be at risk of developing cancer and various other types of diseases. (Also read: characteristics of rabies cats)


Menthol is often used as a smell of aromatherapy which can be refreshing for humans. It turns out that even though it is fun and refreshing for humans, the smell of menthol is one of the smells that cats don't like. The smell of menthol which is sharp enough can cause the cat to be disturbed and feel uncomfortable conditions in the respiratory tract and nose. The smell of menthol can arise from various things such as aromatherapy oil, salicylic powder, to balm, and so on. (Also read: the effect of eucalyptus oil on cats)


Perfume or perfume is commonly used by humans to help maintain the freshness of body odor so as not to have an unpleasant smelling condition. Perfumes are made from seeds that certainly have a strong enough aroma to be able to cover the original smell of humans. The strong and stinging odor conditions will be very disturbing for cats who have a keener sense of smell compared to humans. (Also read: how to deal with frightened cats)

Air freshener

Fragrances are one type of odor that is used to repel unpleasant odors. The smell of air freshener is of course preferred by humans but not for cats. The smell of air freshener which is strong enough as perfume can cause the condition of the cat to be disturbed due to its sharp smell. (Also read: characteristics of healthy cats)


The type of smell that the last cat doesn't like is the smell of chili. Chili has a strong aroma with its distinctive spicy sensation which can cause the cat's sense of smell to be disturbed. Besides the smell of chillies, the smell of onions is also quite stinging for cats.

Those are some types of odors that cats don't like and need to be considered by every cat owner so that the comfort of a pet cat is well maintained.

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